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Bob Molle 

Bob is a tall man.....well Bob is also an Olympic medalist (Wrestling 1984), multiple Grey Cup winner (Blue Bombers) and a real mensch.  Bob's experience managing sales teams, coaching football teams and cultivating meaningful relationships helps Phones4Good build solid partnerships.

Chang Han

Chang likes to forage...well, aside from finding wild nuts and mushrooms, Chang also has a law degree and a deep caring for doing the right thing.  Chang's experience in business strategy and intellectual property law helps Phones4Good build a solid brand.


Peter Holgate

Peter has big plans....and an even bigger personality (some would call it an oversized ego).  Peter has founded, built and exited several successful businesses.  After raising over $10M for Ronin8 while CEO, Peter decided to focus on a different area of electronic waste and is the driving force behind Phones4Good.

Tara Dobbs 

Tara has lots of kids...yup, seven of them.  Tara has also run her own multi-million dollar contracting business, is a certified Gallup Strengthsfinder Coach and Core Clarity Facilitator.  Tara currently runs the Black Sheep Institute focusing on wellness and positive psychology.


We use phones that would otherwise end up in the landfill.

Through our active collection of your old 'junk drawer' cell phones, we are able to divert some of the stream of 1.5 billion cell phones that end up in our junk drawers each year.


We do this through ensuring all your data is safely and effectively removed from your phone, ensuring your privacy.  We then reuse the phones in helping the disenfranchised - rather than treated as garbage for the landfill.


Good 4 People

Good 4 the Planet

Good 4 your Privacy


Phones 4 Good.



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